June Scholarships
June Scholarships
Association of Information Technology Professionals Scholarship Due: June 1st
Several scholarships are available to help further the education of students who are planning to attend or continuing to attend a college, university, community college, or technical school in Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, North Dakota, or South Dakota. These scholarships are intended for students with a goal of achieving an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Science, Cybersecurity or a related field.
Scholarship Website and Application
Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship Due: June 1st
The Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship was established in 2000 for Roslyn High School Alumni. With the dissolution of the Roslyn School District, the scholarship has been made available to college students from the Britton, Langford and Webster School Districts.
Any full time college/university student of sophomore ranking or higher, pursuing either a bachelor’s or graduate degree, and maintaining a minimum 3.0 grade point average (GPA) is encouraged to apply. High School seniors can apply. However, if they are chosen as the scholarship recipient, the scholarship will not be awarded until they reach sophomore status and have at least a 3.0 GPA. Priority will be given to those candidates who are especially active in their communities, have financial need, attend Midwest colleges/universities and plan to return to Northeast South Dakota to live and pursue their careers.
Applicants may apply as often as they are eligible. Prior awardees of this scholarship (that continue to meet eligibility requirements) are also welcome to reapply.
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Due: June 10th
The A&F Scholarships are available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any accredited post secondary institution.
South Dakota Telecommunications Association Scholarship Program: Due: June 14th
Qualifying Students
Have a High School Diploma or GED equivalent;
Are accepted into or attending a multi-year program degree at any accredited technical college or accredited post-secondary higher education institution in South Dakota for the Fall semester;
Are majoring in a degree/program or field of study that is useful in the telecommunications or broadband industry or which significantly relies on the use of broadband services and related technologies (see examples below); and
A customer/member or have a parent or legal guardian that is a customer/member of a SDTA member company (see companies listed below).
Big Sun Due: June 19th
The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Their participation may be in any capacity, whether as a player, coach or official. The successful applicant will be a high school senior or be attending a post secondary institute and currently involved in some sport at that institution or in the community.
South Dakota Golf Association Junior Golf Foundation Scholarship Due: June 30th
The South Dakota Golf Association Junior Golf Foundation offers six $1,500 scholarships to high school seniors who will be attending a post high school educational facility in South Dakota. Scholarships will be paid in the second semester of freshman year. Participation in SDGA-related play will be given a high priority.
Applicant must have lived in the state of South Dakota for a minimum of the past two years.
Applicant will be an incoming freshman attending a four-year South Dakota college, university or accredited post high school institution during the fall semester.
CirkledIn Scholarship Due: June 30th
This is a quarterly scholarship of $2,500 that is super easy to apply with No GPA requirements, No minimum income requirements, and no essays to write.
Students can apply for free at:
July Scholarships:
SD American Legion Baseball Scholarship: Due: July 15th
Must have graduated from high school, be on a current filed with national headquarters, be part of a team affiliated with an American Legion post. Fill out National application and send to SD American Legion Headquarters, PO Box 67, Watertown, SD 57201. There will be one $500 state winner.
James H. Jenssen Scholarship Due: July 15th
South Dakota high school senior with a 3.0 or higher unweighted GPA. Must have a parent, grandparent, sibling, uncle, aunt or cousin employed a minimum of three years with (or retired from) the South Dakota Department of Transportation.