Daily Announcements


Daily Bulletin   

DATE: Tuesday, November 19

BIRTHDAYS: Vicky Hoines 

WHAT’S FOR LUNCH: Chicken Noodle Soup and Biscuit 

TOMORROW LUNCH: Pulled Pork Sandwich and Baked Chips

 BREAKFAST:  French Toast and Fruit or Yogurt Bar


If you would like to order a yearbook for the 24-25 school year, order forms are in the office. Please pick one up and return with payment to the office before Friday, December 20.

All Seniors need to check in with Mr. Sayler every Friday.

Jr. High Girls Basketball memory mate pictures will be taken on Tuesday, November 19 at 3:30.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19: Cloverbuds after school. JH girls basketball practice - 3:30. SDSU Admissions Visit.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20: Evangelical- Parish League at 6:30pm - packing college boxes. Rosebuds - supper at 6:00pm program at 6:30pm.

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21: PAWS will be providing lunch for the staff for American Education week. JH Girls Basketball at Aberdeen Roncalli - 5:00pm(1 game). Kindergarten Fashion Show 2:45pm.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22: PAWS Bake Sale - during snack break for elementary 2:25 for Middle school and 2:30 for high school all items will be $1.00 with proceeds going to PAWS. 

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25: Fall Sports Award Banquet at Groton for football.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26: JH Girls Basketball vs. Northwestern at 6:00pm.


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