Daily Announcements
Daily Bulletin
DATE: Wednesday, March 5
BIRTHDAYS: Mrs. Fagerland, Lennox Samson and Peyton Hoines
WHAT’S FOR LUNCH: Fish Sticks and Mac n Cheese
TOMORROWS LUNCH:Spaghetti Bake and Garlic Stick
BREAKFAST:Pancakes and Fruit or Yogurt Bar
Any 5th grader who is interested in going to Rushmore Music Camp and would like to be part of the World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser can get a permission form from Mrs. Wieser and may sell chocolate to help raise funds to go to camp.
The Student Council is hosting a Jeans week for teachers and Hats for students. Teachers if you’d like to wear jeans give your $5 to the office, Student’s can get hat passes in the office or from Mrs. Lynde, $1.00 per day for a hat pass. All proceeds will benefit the Langford Area Student Council.
WEDNESDAY,MARCH 5: Evangelical - Ash Wednesday Service 7pm, super at 6:00pm. Rosebuds at 6:30pm. PSAT-10th Grade(optional)
THURSDAY, MARCH 6: Play Practice 3:30pm.
FRIDAY,MARCH 7: Redfield FFA CDE -Redfield the bus leaves at 6:45am. Middle School All-State Band -Mitchell. Play Practice 3:30pm.
SATURDAY, MARCH 8: Semi Formal Dance - Middle school 7-9pm and high school 9-11pm.
MONDAY,MARCH 10: School Board Meeting at 6pm.
TUESDAY,MARCH 11: CLOVERBUDS after school. ATP after school.
WEDNESDAY,MARCH 12: Evangelical - Lent Service 7pm, supper at 6:00pm. Rosebuds at 6:30pm. PSAT-10th Grade(optional). Claremont Youth Group supper at 6:30pm.
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