January Scholarships

South Dakota School Of Mines and Technology Scholarships Due: January 1st

For seniors who plan to attend the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in the Fall.

Scholarship Website

GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship                       Due: January 4th

Honoring the legacy and character of our nation’s 40th President, the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program rewards college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with financial assistance to pursue higher education.

Each year, the Program selects numerous recipients to receive a $10,000 scholarship renewable for up to an additional three years – up to $40,000 total per recipient. Awards are for undergraduate study and may be used for education-related expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, and board. In addition, Scholars are invited to participate in a special awards program and receive ongoing leadership-development support.

Scholarship Website

Live Mas Scholarship by Taco Bell Due: January 8th

The Live Más Scholarship is for ALL young people who are pursuing higher education and using their passion to ignite change in their communities and beyond. Submit a 2-minute video telling what you’re passionate about and how you plan to make a difference.

Scholarship Website


APIA Scholarship Due: January 9th (Application Opens November 15th)

  • Be able to describe your ethnicity, heritage, or ancestry in relation to the countries, territories, or lands in Asia or the Pacific Islands

  • Be a citizen, national, or legal permanent resident of the United States. Citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Palau are also eligible to apply

  • Be enrolling or continuing as a degree-seeking undergraduate student in a U.S. accredited college or university in Fall 2025

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale (unweighted), or equivalent, or have earned a GED

  • Must apply for federal financial aid for the 2025-2026 academic year using the Free Application for the Federal Student Aid (FASFA) by early April 2024

Scholarship Website

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Due: January 9th

Open to minority students planning to attend a 4-year college/university; Must have a 21 or higher ACT composite score and demonstrate financial need.

Scholarship Website

 National FFA Scholarship                                                               Due: January 9th

Through the National FFA Foundation, businesses and individuals support scholarships that are awarded to students with a wide variety of higher education plans and career goals. Whether you are planning on attending a specialized training program or seeking a four-year degree, the National FFA Scholarship Program has opportunities for all.

Scholarships support FFA high school seniors and collegiate members as well as non-FFA students. Just one application is required for multiple scholarship opportunities totaling close to $2 million.

America’s Farmers: Grow AG Leaders                                    

America’s Farmers Grow Ag Leaders awards scholarships to students pursuing ag-related fields of study. From Agribusiness, to drone piloting to welding, the possibilities for careers in ag are endless.

Ford Built Tough Scholarship

In order to apply for this scholarship, members must meet the below criteria:

  • Must obtain a Ford Dealer electronic signature to qualify — opt in for Ford Scholarship.

  • Must be an FFA member.

  • Must be a graduating high school senior.

  • Must be attending a vocational, two-year or four-year continuation of studies. Any major may apply.

 Scholarship Website

Dairy Farmers of America Scholarship Due: January 10th

Open to high school seniors planning to further their education, whose future career plans, core values have the potential for impact to the food and dairy industries as demonstrated through responses to three essay questions.

Scholarship Website

The American Legion Department of South Dakota 2025 High School Oratorical Scholarship:                                                                Due: January 12th

Write an oration, which takes not less than EIGHT (8) minutes nor more than TEN (10) minutes to deliver, on some phase of the Constitution of the United States which will give emphasis to the attendant duties and obligations of a citizen to our government. In addition to the above prepared oration, each contestant must be prepared to speak extemporaneously for THREE (3) to FIVE (5) minutes on any of the Articles or Amendments of the Constitution that have been chosen as Assigned Topics for the 2025 Contest, which can be found at:

Program Website


The Mensa Foundation's College Scholarship Program                    Due: January 15th

There are two requirements for applicants:

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a degree program in an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning during the academic year following the application date.

  • Applicants must submit an application and essay explaining his or her career, academic and/or vocational goals.  

Scholarship Website


South Dakota Solid Waste Management Scholarship Due: January 15th

Intended for students looking to study in fields relating to the protection and enhancement of our natural resources and environment, the solid waste industry or similar fields; preference is given to South Dakota students planning to attend post-secondary institutions in South Dakota.

Scholarship Website

American Quarter Horse Association Scholarshihp Due: January 15th

Must be a current AQHYA or AQHA member. Be in high school, college, or university, depending on which scholarship you are applying for.

Scholarship Information

SDAEP SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION                              Due: January 15th

Who is eligible for the SDAEP Scholarship?

Applicants should desire a career in a trade supportive to the protection and enhancement of our natural resources, environment, and/or related fields.

Students that are intending to enroll or are already enrolled at a South Dakota university, technical institution, or other post-secondary trade school. Applicants must intend to enroll for the fall semester.

High school seniors are eligible to apply.

Students that possess a Grade Point Average of 2.0 or greater

Scholarship Application


Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship                Due: January 15th 

Intended for students planning a career in Government Service.

Scholarship Website


Profile in Courage Essay Contest                                  Due: January 17th

Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a US elected official who served during or after 1917. 

Contest Website

Agtegra Agricultural Scholarship Due:January 17th

Must attend a 2 or 4 year Institution in North or South Dakota

Pursue an Agriculatural Degree/Program

Scholarship Page

SD JCI Senate Scholarship                                   Due: January 17th

We have the opportunity to award 3 scholarships to graduating 2025 High School Seniors.  The top two candidates from the state of SD will be forwarded automatically for a chance at a $1000 national JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship.  In 2021 one of SD scholarship winners also received the national scholarship. They must be planning to attend a technical college or University starting in fall 2025.  Please advise them to read the rules carefully and follow them exactly.  Some of the past applications have been disqualified because not ALL pages had their name and page number, this includes letters of reference and supporting documents.  You are permitted to handwrite this info on pages. 

Scholarship Website

 South Dakota Engineering Society Scholarship                    Due: January 17th

The Eastern Chapter will award $2000 Engineering Scholarship.  Applicants should be high school seniors and must be planning on attending an engineering program at either South Dakota School of Mines and Technology or South Dakota State University.  The Eastern Chapter’s Scholarship Committee chooses the recipients.  Application forms may be obtained from your high school counselor or the link below.  The scholarship recipient is presented with an award at the chapter’s annual Engineering Banquet usually held in mid February. 

Scholarship Website

Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Scholarship Due: January 27th

Parents must be a member of Dakotaland Federal Credit Union.

Scholarship Page


If you are a senior in a high school in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota or Superior, Wisconsin that is in a community that has a Kiwanis Club you will be eligible to make application for a $700.00 scholarship award. This award, if you are successful, would be for the 2024 – 2025 academic year. This award must be used when you attend an institution of higher learning in the Minnesota-Dakotas Kiwanis District.  If you complete this application form, it must be returned to your high school counseling and guidance department for selection to be entered at the Kiwanis District level. Each high school is only allowed to enter applications from three individual students

Scholarship Info


Dakota Energy Electrician Scholarship Due: January 29th

Dakota Energy Cooperative awards four $500 scholarships to a dependent of a Dakota Energy member. The Basin Electric Power Cooperative scholarship program awards one $1,000 scholarship to a dependent of a Dakota Energy Cooperative member. The scholarship must be used for educational costs, and the student must enter college in the fall. The scholarship award will be distributed in two equal installments, the first installment in August and the second installment in January.

Dakota Energy Cooperative awards one $1,000 scholarship to a dependent of a Dakota Energy member who attends the Powerline Construction and Maintenance Program at Mitchell Technical Institute.  Dakota Energy also awards one $1,000 scholarship to a dependent of a Dakota Energy member who attends the Electrical Construction and Maintenance Program at Mitchell Technical Institute.


Dependent children of Dakota Energy consumers are eligible. The applicant must also be a U.S. citizen. The applicant must be a student who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time graduate or undergraduate course of study at an accredited, two-year or four-year college, university, or vocational/technical school. BEPC scholarships are awarded without regard to other awards, loans, or financial assistance the applicant may have obtained.

Scholarship Application

Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship Due: January 30th

Be a graduating high school senior and have a relative employed in the roofing industry or be a student entering a roofing/building trades program.

Scholarship Website

Union Plus Scholarship                          Due: January 31st

Student must be a dependent child whose parent is a member in a participating union. Have at least one year of continuous union membership by the applicant or applicant's parent/guardian.

Scholarship Website



Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship:         Due: January 31st

Each year the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) awards multiple scholarships to students showing dedication to the pursuit of higher education in diverse areas of study including history, economics, law, political science, medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, elementary and secondary education, chemistry, math, science and English. 

Scholarship Website

DAR Scholarships



Additional Scholarships:

SD Department Of Education Scholarships: 

Multiple Scholarships available!

Scholarship Website


 Northern Scholarships:

Scholarship Website


Mitchell Technical College Scholarships:

Scholarship Website