December Scholarships
USD Freshman Scholarship Due: December 1st
Open to high school juniors and seniors.
SDSU Scholarship Due: December 1st
First-time freshman scholarships are awarded through the Admissions Office. The scholarship application for students enrolling in the Fall will be available October 1st. Priority is given to applications received on or before December 1st.
Patriots of the American Revolution High School Essay Contest Due: December 1st
This contest will focus on the men and women, both famous and unknown, who figured in the events of the American Revolution (1773 – 1783). Students will be asked to discuss how their chosen Patriot contributed to the founding of the nation. These Patriots may be one of our famous Founders, or an everyday man, woman, or child who supported the American Revolution in ways both large or small. We hope that this wide topic area will allow students to choose individuals who capture their imagination and interest.
South Dakota DAR Scholarship For Military Descendants Due: December 1st
The South Dakota State Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution offers this annual $500 scholarship to direct descendants of a United States Military Veteran.
South Dakota State DAR Scholarship for Military Descendants Info
Dell Scholars Program Due: December 1st
Open to high school seniors who have participated in Upward Bound their 11th and 12th grade years of high school.
Hagan Scholarship Due: December 1st
The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship designed to help high-achieving students from small towns and rural areas graduate college debt-free. Recipients must: a) graduate from a public high school located in a county having fewer than 50,000 residents, or b) graduate from a remote rural school located in a county having more than 50,000 residents. Hagan Scholars from 43 states are currently enrolled at 358 colleges and universities. Five hundred more scholarships will be awarded in March 2024. Information is attached.
Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship Due: December 5th
Must have demonstrated on-going commitment to their community by performing unpaid volunteer services impacting hunger in the United States at least within the last 12 months.
Volunteer services must be helping non-family members.
The Science Ambassadors Scholarship Due: December 13th
Full–tuition scholarship for a woman in science, technology, engineering, or math.
Dakota State University General Scholarships Due: December 15th
Seniors planning to attend DSU in the fall
Dakota Corps Scholarship Program Due: December 15th
Qualified Applicants Must:
Graduate from an accredited South Dakota high school with a Grade Point Average (GPA of) 2.8 or greater on a 4.0 scale. Home schooled students will be allowed to provide supplemental information if this requirement is not applicable.
Have a composite ACT score of 27 or greater (or the SAT equivalent).
Agree, in writing, to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical need occupation after graduation for as many years as the scholarship was received, plus one year. The current critical need occupations for 2023-24 are:
Teacher - K-12
Special Education
Foreign Language
Vocal or Instrumental Music
English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Learners (ELL)
Teacher - Secondary
Career and Technical Education
Language Arts
Accountant / Auditor
Engineer (all fields EXCEPT mining, chemical, biomedical, and computer hardware)
Information Technology
Registered Nurse
Apply for the Dakota Corps Scholarship for a school period that begins within one year of high school graduation, or within one year of release from active duty of an active component of the armed forces.
Attend a participating South Dakota college as an undergraduate student in a program that will prepare the student to work in a critical need occupation.
Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national.
Among those that qualify, recipients will be chosen based on GPA, test scores, activities, honors, and community service. Not all eligible applicants will be selected for a scholarship. From the total pool of applicants, a limited number of recipients will be selected. Also, some South Dakota colleges may limit the number of scholarship recipients they accept, or not participate at all.
Burger King Scholarship Due: December 16th
If you have a 2.5 or higher GPA, work an average of 15 hours a week, 40 weeks a year, have financial need and have been involved in community service follow the link and apply.
Equitable Excellence Scholarship Due: December 18th
The scholarship is now open for applications and has a renewed focus to recognize students who show potential by demonstrating the qualities of leadership, determination and resilience as critical enablers of their future success. Graduating high school seniors can apply by submitting an essay describing how they exhibit courage in pursuing what’s possible, display strength in managing challenges and share wisdom with others.
Western Legacy Scholarship Due: December 18th
The foundation is dedicated to supporting our agricultural youth in higher education and organizations, programs, and projects that enhance services and education to the rural community. Senior student from South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming or Nebraska and graduating in the spring. There are a minimum of 16 scholarships offered every year.
CirkledIn Scholarship Due: December 31st
This is a quarterly scholarship of $2,500 that is super easy to apply with No GPA requirements, No minimum income requirements, and no essays to write.